

The focus of the business seminar of the MCPC 2007 is the application of mass customization and personalization in retail, enabling a total redefinition of the way goods and services are sold and customers and vendors interact. Social commerce, profiling services or virtual reality applications are changing the way we shop and make selections. These technologies also lower the barrier for new entrants in mature markets. In addition, shopping and entertainment are converging. These developments ask for a revision of today's dominant retail model – an extreme makeover of retail.

Go here for the full program and speakers of the Montreal MCPC 2007 Business Seminar.

NOTE: Montreal is an easy 4-5 hour drive away from Boston; and the trip though the New England Indian Summer should be a great experience at this time. There are also plenty of flights or bus conncetions between Boston and Montreal. Please make your own travel arrangements, there is no central group travel organized by the conference. Please look here for hotel information forMontreal.